Saturday, July 21, 2007

Buy local, or bye local.


This website will act as a space for us to post our weekly newsletter and provide readers with pertinent news and information regarding buying locally and supporting our area farmers.

"Eating locally isn't just a fad like the various diets advertised on late-night TV - it may be one of the most important ways we save ourselves and the planet. Previous generations lived in harmony with the Earth's natural systems, eating only what they could grow each season. But technology has changed all that. We take it for granted that the world's food is available to us year-round. And it's killing us. Food transportation generates air pollution and greenhouse gases that cause climate change. Imported food also increases our exposure to chemical pesticides."

- David Suzuki, Chair of the David Suzuki Foundation

We hope to see you at the Farmers' Market (Thursdays and Saturdays, 8am-1pm, at 130 King Street in London, Ontario)!

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