Saturday, July 21, 2007

Cherryhill Seniors Support the Farmers' Market

The following is an article written by Robin Kish (the Coordinator of Client Services with VON London Community Support Services in Cherryhill) that was published in the most recent edition of Cherryhill Magazine and the VON Donor Newsletter:

Lunch at the Farmers' Market

Lunch at the Farmers' Market is a new partnership program between VON Community Support Services, Cherryhill and the Downtown Farmers' Market. The trip offers Cherryhill residents transportation, a special treat, the opportunity to purchase lunch at a vendor of choice and discounts for the very reasonable cost of $2.00 per person.

On Saturday June 30th we had the opportunity to kick off this new program. With 32 people aboard a chartered, wheelchair accessible City of London Transit bus, we were whisked away to the Farmers' Market downtown.

Upon disembarking the bus we were offered fresh strawberry tarts, compliments of the Farmers' Market vendors. Jason Mercer, the 2006 winner of London’s Top Singer-Songwriter at the London Music Awards entertained the crowd throughout the full two hours of our visit.

After shopping, participants enjoyed lunch at a Market restaurant vendor of their choice. After lunch, there was time to sit outside and enjoy the beautiful weather while being entertained by Jason. At one o’clock, we ventured back to the bus and returned to Cherryhill. There were many positive comments on the bus ride back to Cherryhill. I hope that many participants will return in the future. This program will be running once a month until the Farmers' Market closes Thanksgiving weekend.

Please contact the VON office for details or to register 675-1355.

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